Transcript for Getting 'Ghosted' on Lawn Care Can Be Costly
America" on the lookout. This morning, we're focusing on ghosting. Where customers claim that workers pretend to do work they never did. ABC's linsey Davis has the story on how people say they're being ripped off. Reporter: Across the Sprinkler System Installation country, homeowners distraught that the grass isn't always greener when lawn care service allegedly goes wrong, turnin g their green glory into a bound disgrace, some taking their complaints to youtube. This was a mistake. Reporter: But it's Sprinkler System Installation not just complaints about work being done, sometimes it's about no work being done at all and still Biddle for their service. What some called "Ghosting." This area looks completely dead to me. Reporter: This Florida resident's surveillance cameras were rolling when a trugreen pest control worker showed up. Maintain my lawn and they violated my trust. Reporter: Watch. The worker returns to his truck and before leaving drops the flag on the grass before providing any work. He's not allow. Watch this 2010 instant caught on tape. A Lauren care service worker leaving a flag on the lawn all for nothing. In 2014, the better business bureau received more than 5,000 complaints for a variety of reasons. Average customer spent $700 annually. Including upkeep visits like his cameras rec orded. They fired the employee and refund ed the customer. They issued a statement -- he did some green after all, back in his pocket. For those who are seeing red because they don't have grass that looks like this, grass that green the better business bureau say it's tough to prove ghosting, if you can, they recommend installing a camera. Lara. Linsey Davis, thank you so much. Coming up on "Good morning America" -- sunny days ahead for
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If you grew up in a house with a garden, then you would appreciate the peace and solace that a garden can give; the fun and enjoyment that a garden plays hosts to in events and parties, there are many, many ways to use a garden. You just have to learn to sit back and appreciate what you have in order to see how much of a difference having a garden could give. By itself, a garden is where you can rest, relax and appreciate nature for itself; take a fresh breath of air, and by taking care of it, give back some of that nurturing that nature bestows upon us.
The Garden and You
You do no need some elaborate plan or expensive equipment just so you can appreciate your garden. Just pull out a nice comfortable chair unto your garden, grab a book and experience the feel of reading in such a beautiful atmosphere. You do not even need a book, you can just go there and rest, the fresh clean air is always good for the lungs and is very relaxing too. If you have a large enough space, you can do some of your hobbies in the garden too. If you have pets, then a clean garden is a good place to play with them. You can even train them tricks in a peaceful garden since they will not be distracted.
If you like to draw or write, being in the presence of nature could be quite the inspiring feeling. You will not even need special lighting since sunlight is Sprinkler System bright and easy on the eyes. Roll out a blanket and whip out some snacks to give yourself a private picnic. One way or the other, you can turn your garden to your personal vacation spot. This is how you can truly appreciate the garden on your own.
Bringing More to Your Garden
Taking your friends and your family to a garden is quite a refreshing experience. You all get to enjoy nature and its beauty t ogether. You can hold a grill or a small party in the outdoor settings. The open air is perfect for grills and barbecues since the smoke will not stay in the confines of the house. Just lay out a few tables and chairs and you are ready to go. The added bonus of having a party in the garden is that cleanup is not as complicated and there are less chances of your things in the house getting ruined.
Gardens can host many events; you can go star gazing on clear nights just by preparing a telescope. Weddings are very romantic when held at a garden setting, and the green and white plays beautiful effects on the eyes. You can also have get-togethers, soirees, and other social functions in the garden. Just make sure that you prepare your garden with the right materials and proper maintenance to help it enhance the party Sprinkler System Installation Dallas instead of being a negative factor. This is why you should take care of your garden, because it can do so much for you. GP
There is no dearth of weed killers, a.k.a. herbicides, in the market today. You can choose one depending on what type of weed you intend to deal with. Basically, two types of weed killers are available in the market: selective weed killers and nonselective weed killers. While the selective weed killers specifically target a particular variety of weed without causing any harm to domestic plants in the vicinity, nonselective weed killers are known to kill all the plants-wild as well as domestic-that come in contact with them.
Of these two types, the nonselective herbicides are stronger, and are usually used to clear large tracts of land, like railway embankments or industrial sites. A third type, organic herbicides have been introduced of late. These herbicides, most of which are nonselective, are known to have very low toxicity for humans and animals, and very little or no resi dual activity. On the flip side, they are a little costly, and therefore, most people prefer to go with the other options.
Additionally, weed killers are categorized into two groups based on when they are supposed to be used: pre-emergence herbicides and post-emergence herbicides.
Pre-emergence herbicides: These herbicides are to be used when you expect weeds to crop up in your lawn. These are ideal for annual weeds, like crabgrass and goosegrass. You should ideally use them at the time of the year when weeds are likely to surface, or as soon as you notice the slightest sign of weed growth in your surroundings. If used too early, the chances are that they will be rendered useless by the time the weeds start surfacing.
Post-emergence herbicides: These herbicides are to be used when you see considerable growth of weeds in your lawn. These weed killers are ideal for both, perennial and annual broadleaf weeds. Even though they can be used at any time after the weeds have surfaced, they are most effective when the weeds are relatively young.
Weed Killer Reviews
When it comes to weed control, timing is undoubtedly the most important factor. It is better to act as soon as you sense the slightest growth of weed in your garden as it can be quite difficult to deal with them once they start spreading. You can opt for chemical weed killers, which boast of being the best in the market, to get rid of these pests. In case you face difficulty in deciding which one to opt for, given below is a list of some reputable brands that you can choose from.
Spectracide Weed Stop for Lawns
It may not be as fast as other weed killers available in the market, but there is no questioning the effectiveness of Spectracide Weed Stop for Lawns. It's a selective herbicide which can destroy more than 200 different types of pest plants without coming hard on your lawn. More importantly, it is relatively inexpensive, and thus, your best bet if you have a huge lawn. You just need to make sure that you follow the instructions provided on the container properly.
Roundup QuikPRO Non-Selective Herbicide
Roundup is considered one of the best selling herbicides in the world. With ingredients like glyphosate (73.3 percent) and diquat (2.9 percent) in it, there is no questioning the efficacy of Roundup QuikPRO to get rid of pest plants from your lawn. It is a fast-acting herbicide. If the manufacturer is to be believed, the results are seen within 24 hours of spraying.
BurnOut II Fast Acting Weed & Grass Killer Concentrate
BurnOut II Weed & Grass Killer is an organic herbicide made of blended lemon and vinegar juices which can get rid of the top cover of weeds within a span of 24 hours of its first application, and destroy the root system on its second application. Being a nonselective herbicide, it can be used on walkways and driveways, and also near ponds and streams without any issue.
Ortho Weed-B-Gon MAX Concentrate
With iron as its main ingredient, Weed-B-Gon MAX is harmless for humans, pet animals, and the environment. More importantly, it is a reasonably priced selective herbicide which will not affect your lawn. The product is rightly advertised as 'Kills Weeds, Not Lawns.' If chickweed, ground ivy, dandelion, clover, yellow oxalis, or English daisy have infested your lawn, then Weed-B-Gon MAX is t he weed killer that you need to opt for.
Avenger Weed Killer
Avenger Weed Killer is widely considered one of the most effective organic herbicides available in the market. With castor oil and d-Limonene (citrus oil) as its natural ingredients, it naturally strips these weeds of the waxy plant cuticle, causing them to dehydrate and die. Being a nonselective weed killer, it can be used to clear considerably large tracts of land, such as recreation parks and sidewalks.
EcoSMART Organic Weed and Grass Killer
Yet another ready-to-use organic weed killer which you can use to get rid of all those pest plants in your garden, without worrying about harming your pets, family members, or the environment. You need to keep in mind that it is a nonselective weed killer, which will kill all the plants that come in contact with it. The plants will start dying within a few minutes from spraying. In rare cases though, you may have to opt for second application.
Killzall Grass and Weed Killer
As its name suggests, Killzall Grass and Weed Killer is a nonselective herbicide which kills any plant species, including flowering plants and lawn grass, that it touches. It is considered by many to be a relatively inexpensive alternative to Roundup. Killzall Grass and Weed Killer contains 41 percent glyphosate and is, thus, very useful if you have annual broadleaf weeds and grasses inva ding your yard.
Barricade 4FL Pre-Emergent Herbicide
With Prodiamine as its most important ingredient, Barricade 4FL Pre-Emergent Herbicide is believed to be one of the best pre-emergence herbicides available. If you are tired of incessant growth of broad-leaved weeds, like crabgrass and goosegrass, in your surroundings, Barricade weed killer is your best bet to fix them all. You simply have to apply it in January, and it will last throughout that season.
Verdone Extra Lawn Weed Killer
If your lawn has been infested by broad-leaved weeds, Verdone Extra is the solution for your problem. A selective weed killer, Verdone Extra Weed Killer will help you get rid of all the weeds from your lawn within a period of 4 - 6 weeks. Other than broad-leaved weeds, this herbicide will also help you deal with small-leaved weeds, like the white clover and yellow suckling clover. Once it has dried, it won't pose a threat for your kids or pets.
Bayer Advanced Natria Grass & Weed Killer
Being a nonselective herbicide, Bayer's Natria Grass & Weed Killer may not be ideal for your lawn, but it is by far the best bet when clearing considerably large tracts of land. It can be used to get rid of thistle, chickweed, dandelion, stinkweed, etc. It is also ideal for vines growing on fences and other standing structures. That it can be applied at any time of the year, is an additional advantage of this product.
While all these synthetic and organic herbicides are effective when it comes to weed control, you can even resort to ingredients readily available in your kitchen, like vinegar, bleach, and salt, to curb weed infestation. Simply spraying vinegar or bleach in your lawn can help you curb weed growth to a certain extent. While exposure to bleaching powder is generally considered harmful for humans, it will evaporate within the next few days, making your lawn as good as ever. Similarly, adding a pinch of salt at the base of unwanted plants can also help destroy them. That, however, will be a cumbersome task if you have a huge lawn.
It is important to note that some weed killers have toxic chemicals; therefore, they can be harmful for your domestic plants, pets, as well as for you. The risk involved is most when the herbicide is not used as directed or when the same is used in excess. Taking that into consideration, it is wise to follow the instructions carefully and, more importantly, resort to protective gear (like goggles and gloves) and a good spraying device when using these herbicides.